Vinyl Cyanide
Vinyl cyanide is another species with prominent spectral feature in the ALMA spectrum of the Orion KL hot core region. Figure: Ethyl and Vinyl Cyanide shows a region that includes lines of vinyl cyanide, along with those of ethyl cyanide. The intensity for the ethyl cyanide was fixed as above and the column density of vinyl cyanide adjusted to match the astronomical spectrum in this (and other regions as well) region. Inspection of this figure shows excellent agreement. The largest apparent difference is for the relatively strong line near 227.95 GHz, but this difference can be ascribed to overlap with the adjacent strong line for a species not included in the simulation.
Figure: Ethyl and Vinyl Cyanide. A region of intermediate
strength ethyl cyanide and vinyl cyanide lines near 228 GHz
that illustrates the fine detail in which the simulation based
on the CES and LTE reproduces the ALMA spectrum for these
two species. The ALMA spectrum is the upper black trace and
the lower traces the simulations in solid light blue and dashed
dark blue for vinyl cyanide and ethyl cyanide, respectively. The
stick spectra are those of the CES at laboratory resolution.