Spectral Comparisons
Figure: ALMA Lineshapes. Relatively iso-
lated lines of intermediate strength that we-
re used for the ALMA lineshapes of methyl
cyanide, et-hyl cyanide, and vinyl cyanide
(top to bottom). The solid black traces are
the ALMA data and the dashed colored tra-
ces are the convolution of the simulated lin-
eshape with the CES.
Figure: ALMA Lineshapes
shows relatively isolated lines of intermediate strength, whose shapes observed in the ALMA spectrum
are characteristic of the lineshapes of methyl cyanide, ethyl cyanide, and vinyl cyanide. The lines of the
latter two show clear shoulders on their low frequency sides, which are due to the kinematics of the
region probed by the ALMA beam. These lineshapes are convolved with the CES to produce the simulations
that are compared with the ALMA results below.