Regardless of the method of statistical analysis used, the results are very similar, as predicted by the theory itself.
- As would be expected, regions from the complex image of the atrium show less fully developed speckle than areas selected from the cloth near the knife. Because the cloth was not backed by any reflective material, the fraction of the reflection which is diffuse should be very high. In contrast, much of the atrium is drywall, whose reflection contains a significant specular component.
- For regions selected from the unaveraged images of Figure: Physics Building Atrium GHz Image , the Rician fits (which allow for a combination of specular and diffuse reflection) showed a somewhat better fit than the Gamma fits, with small variation according to region.
- Both the Rician and Gamma fits confirmed large reduction in speckle contrast constants of between 6.5 and 12.5.
Figure: Physics Building Atrium GHz
Image. (a)218.4 GHz image of the atrium
of the Physics Building at Ohio State Univer-
sity with multimode illumination, but without
modulated mode-mixing and (b)with modul-
ated mode mixing. The colored boxes show
areas for which speckle statistics have been